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Hello and welcome to another consumer tip courtesy of your friends here at TMG the Mortgage Group. With Thanksgiving now in the past one of the next big events to look forward to will be the opening of the Ski Season.
This weeks tip provides details on how kids in grades 4 and 5 can ski for free. This year the Canadian Ski Council has created a Snow Pass that can be used at 149 ski hills across Canada. Here's how it works, if you or someone you know have children born in 2002 or 2003, they purchase a one time pass for $29.95 including taxes. The pass is then good for 3 days of skiing at each of the 149 locations, that's more ski more days than there are in the whole season, so it's a heck of a deal.
Applications can be made online by mail and at select retail and sport and travel shows. I'll have the web address and contact information at the tail end of this video.
Now if you're thinking of buying a ski chalet or condo close to one of Canada's fine ski resorts, give me a call and we can talk about your options. I'm John Charbonneau here at TMG The Mortgage Group, reminding you that we make mortgage shopping easy. And I'm never too busy to show you or any of your friends what your mortgage options are. Until my next video, have a great day.