Isn't it nice that people are prepared to share their consumer experiences and knowledge so you can save and invest more of your hard earned money. Feel free to share this knowledge base with friends, family and co-workers.
Hello and welcome to another consumer tip courtesy of your friends here at TMG The Mortgage Group. In this video, I'm going to introduce you to a video contest that my trade association is running and it's open to anyone attending college or university and the winner will receive a $2,500 scholarship regardless of their field of education. Here's how it works. The student is asked to record a 2 to 4 minute video on financial literacy. For a college or university student their video might be about their plans to pay for their education, how important it is to live within a budget, or even tips and techniques that they use to manage their financial matters. Students across Canada have until October 28th to submit their videos. No one is looking for an Academy Award style of production it is the content that counts. This means they could record their video with a web cam on Skype or a home video recorder. If they live in the lower mainland they can come and see me and I will even help them make a submission. For more information and complete eligibility requirements, send me an email or give me a call and I can provide the rest of the details. Feel free to pass this video on to any friends that might have college or university students in the family that could use a $2,500 scholarship. I'm John Charbonneau here at TMG The Mortgage Group, reminding you that we make mortgage shopping easy. And I'm never too busy to show you or any of your friends what your mortgage options are. Until my next video, have a great day.